Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My new website!

I am excited to announce that I have a brand new website at www.nicolegibbsart.com!  I will still be using this blog for ongoing news and updates, and they are linked to each other.  Enjoy, and let me know what you think! 


Erika said...

What a wonderful site - I had the chance to explore it, and quickly lost track of time. I'm so amazed and proud of you; it's great to have the chance to see your work. Powerful, thought-provoking stuff that gets under your skin and into your brain cells. I first looked at it a few days ago, and had to revisit it. Great job!

Nicole M. Gibbs said...

Thanks Erika! I appreciate all the time you gave to it, especially when you're such a busy lady. :-) It feels good to have my work all in one place; gives me a chance to really see it all together. Again, thanks for checking it out. Take care!